Sermons by Series: Four Things We Must Confess

In the last days, we are to overcome by our confession of God's Word! Don't miss this...

In the last days, we are to overcome by our confession of God's Word! Don't miss this...

You may not know it or you may not feel like it, but in Christ Jesus, you are an...

You may not know it or you may not feel like it, but in Christ Jesus, you are an...

You may not know it or you may not feel like it, but in Christ Jesus, you are an...

You may not know it or you may not feel like it, but in Christ Jesus, you are an...

Discover how you are victorious in Christ Jesus! It doesn't matter what the...

Whether you realize it or not, whether you believe it or not... you can do all things...

Whether you realize it or not, whether you believe it or not... you can do all things...

Every good thing and every blessing of God belongs to you in Christ Jesus!

Every good thing and every blessing of God belongs to you in Christ Jesus!

Discover the blessings and benefits that belong to you because of what Jesus Christ...