Sermons by Series: The Finished Work of Christ

Dr. Austin Lingerfelt continues the series "The Finished Work Of Christ!"

How can you live in the light of the finished work of Christ? By walking in love!

How do you walk in the finished work of Christ? By walking in love!

Walking in love in light of the finished work of Christ will forever change how you...

Discover how living in the light of the New Covenant will empower you to walk in love!

You may think you can't but you can! Whether you believe it or not, or feel like it...

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Now that you are a New Creation in Christ and a son or daughter of God, learn how to...