We are to rule and reign in life through Christ, and that requires that we exercise the authority that Jesus Christ has delegated to us.

We are to rule and reign in life through Christ, and that requires that we exercise the authority that Jesus Christ has delegated to us.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a New Covenant gift and promise that belongs to every believer. Receive by faith what freely belongs to you in Christ!

Our Heavenly Father did not predestine us to live our lives getting kicked around by the devil. Our Heavenly Father predestined to rule and reign in life in Christ Jesus.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

God did not predestine you to struggle, and to barely get by, and to live a defeated life! No! Our wonderful Heavenly Father predestined you to RULE and REIGN in this life in Christ!

Watch or listen to this special Anniversary Sunday message. The best life is a life lived for God. The best life is a life in which you put God FIRST in every area of life!

Watch or listen to this special Anniversary Sunday message. The best life is a life lived for God. The best life is a life in which you put God FIRST in every area of life!

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Sermons by Series: Power Lunches

September 14, 2024

Keep Moving Forward

In life there are challenges, but no matter what you may face, you must Keep Moving...

March 02, 2024

Mind Games

Men, to live a successful life you must win the battle of the mind!

September 09, 2023

WILL Your Way To Success

The WILL is the mightiest thing that God has given to man! And no man can receive much...

March 25, 2023

Inside Out

The good things of life come from within. Don't miss this powerful Power Lunch message...

September 10, 2022

Man With A Plan

With the help of God, you can be a man with a plan for the success of God's Kingdom...

March 05, 2022

Walking in the Light

Discover the power of walking in the light in this special Power Lunch message for men...

September 11, 2021

The Elisha Secret

Discover the Elisha Secret in this powerful Power Lunch message with Dr. Gene Lingerfelt.

March 06, 2021

No Other gods

Many Christians have gotten into idolatry and they don't even know it!

September 07, 2019

Love Needs A Plan

Discover how love needs a plan and how faith requires a plan.
