Sermons by Series: What Did Jesus REALLY Say?
The BROAD WAY may be popular but it leads to destruction and death. Jesus taught the...
What is really grace? To see people set free from the power of sin or to simply tell...
How do we walk in grace, mercy, and forgiveness, while speaking the truth in love?
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
What did Jesus teach about prayer and fasting?
What did Jesus teach about prayer and fasting?
What did Jesus teach about giving to those in need? How do we practically implement...
What did Jesus teach about giving to those in need? How do we practically implement...
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
Turning the other cheek does NOT mean bowing down to ungodliness, wickedness, & evil men.