This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God...
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me...
In the midst of life's storms, there's only 1 solution--CROSSING OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE.
This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God...
There is GREAT POWER in SPEAKING—and DECLARING—God's Word with your own mouth.
When you speak a command in the name of Jesus or pray, what do you do when demons do...
This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God...
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an...
This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God...
Many of our lives are covered with the leprosy of unconfessed sins, habitual sins, and...
God is willing to save you, heal you, deliver you, set you free, and fill you with His...