How we handle money reveals the heart! When someone's not right with their money, their heart isn't right! Will some people do anything for money? Yes! They will even commit murder! In this message, we begin an all-new series on "The Truth About Money."

The primary offensive weapon of every Christian is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. But there is also a secret weapon available to every believer and a lack of this secret weapon has rendered the faith of far too many Christians ineffective. Discover the Secret Weapon that will bring you great victories and blessings!

The primary offensive weapon of every Christian is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. But there is also a secret weapon available to every believer and a lack of this secret weapon has rendered the faith of far too many Christians ineffective. Discover the Secret Weapon that will bring you great victories and blessings!

Discover the purpose of miracles! God wants a lost and hurting world to see miracles in your life so that they would believe and turn to Him!

Perfect Peace

Discover how you can have perfect peace in your every day life!

You may think you can't but you can! Whether you believe it or not, or feel like it or not, with the help of God you can live a life of love and you can walk in love!

Did you know you can GROW your faith? TAKE YOUR PLACE and walk at a greater level of faith!

Did you know you can GROW your faith? TAKE YOUR PLACE and walk at a greater level of faith!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life!

Do you have dreams that you let go of? Did SOMETHING knock the wind out of your sails? Have you given up on your dreams? It’s time to RESURRECT YOUR DREAMS!

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Sermons by Category: Endurance