For too many people money is hard but it doesn’t have to be! Discover how money can become easy!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change how you live the Christian life.

Cafeteria religion may be popular but it doesn't work to walk in the blessing of God. “Picking and choosing” may be popular but it doesn’t lead to success!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change how you live the Christian life.

Learn about areas of life where we often fail to take action. “Picking and choosing” may be popular but it doesn’t lead to success! Don’t let the little foxes spoil the vine in your life!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change HOW you live the Christian life.

Saying it is one way you can take action on God's Word. But saying it is just the beginning. It's not the end. After you SAY IT, you must then DO IT and TAKE ACTION on God's Word. The issue is not having faith. The key is releasing the faith you already have. To receive your miracle, you must TURN YOUR FAITH LOOSE!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ and WHAT you can do in Christ will forever change HOW you pray and live the Christian life.

Success is not hard. It's easy if you do the right things!

Knowing WHO you are in Christ will forever change how you live the Christian life.

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Sermons by Category: Baptism of the Holy Spirit