In Christ, every spiritual blessings belong to us. Authority belongs to us whether we realize it or not. But just knowing this isn’t enough. It’s knowledge ACTED UPON that brings results!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

First Principles

Discover the importance of knowing who you are in Christ in this message on "First Principles" from the series "The Believer's Authority."

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Knowing who you are in Christ and what belongs to you will change everything in your walk with Christ. Don't miss this powerful first message in the series "The Believer's Authority."

Knowing who you are in Christ and what belongs to you will change everything in your walk with Christ. Don't miss this powerful first message in the series "The Believer's Authority."

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

There is GREAT POWER—from a Biblical perspective—in making a PROMISE to God and keeping it.

There is GREAT POWER—from a Biblical perspective—in making a PROMISE to God and keeping it.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

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Sermons by Series: Guys Night: Messages for Men