Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares a powerful message on the importance of walking in love and forgiving.

Pastor Sue Lingerfelt and Krystina Hill share a powerful message on Overwhelming Blessings to the ladies of FCC at GirlTalk.

How can you CHANGE your life for the better for 2016 to experience all that God has for you and to go to the NEXT LEVEL?

How can you CHANGE your life for the better for 2016 to experience all that God has for you and to go to the NEXT LEVEL?

This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God for a rewarding, productive life. You'll learn how to have the touch of God upon your marriage, personal relationships, career, investments, and much more.

Who does God called BLESSED? And who does God really BLESS? The answer may surprise you! What Did Jesus Really Say? Jesus said, “Blessed are those who HEAR the word of God and OBEY it.”

While it is popular in today's culture not to drive the devil out and to placate demonic influences, we are to drive the devil out of every single area of our lives! It is time for Christian fathers and mothers to step up to the plate and to be the spiritual authorities in their homes. Do not allow anything to go on in your life that is not of God and do not allow anything to go on in your home or your children's lives that is not of God!

This series will challenge you to enter into an eternal covenant with the Almighty God for a rewarding, productive life. You'll learn how to have the touch of God upon your marriage, personal relationships, career, investments, and much more.

Many times we see repentance as a negative but you should actually see repentance as a positive. Repent knowing that in Jesus you will find REST. Repent knowing that Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. Repent knowing that God wants to do good things in your life, even today!

Are there any unanswered prayers in your life? Then watch this message! As we continue exploring HOW we can obtain praise from God, this message deals with one of the MAJOR missing ingredients in the lives of many Christians—LOVE. True love, Biblical love, the God-kind of love is much, much more than just a feeling or emotion.

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works