You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Dr. Austin Lingerfelt shares a special message geared for young adults. Don't waste your life and don't waste the gifts, talents, and abilities God has blessed you with!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Ladies, discover how you can be a Woman Of Valor in today's society.

Ladies, discover how you can be a Woman Of Valor in today's society.

Ladies, discover how you can live with a brave heart in today's world and culture!

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works