With God and with the help of God, dreams do come true! You can prosper right where you are at! And you can walk in the favor and blessing of God wherever you go!

How can you live in the light of the finished work of Christ? By walking in love!

When you walk in covenant with God, the Holy Spirit will give you divine ideas for your success. With the help of God, you can become exceedingly prosperous!

How do you walk in the finished work of Christ? By walking in love!

Everything in Jacob's life changed when he embraced the faith patten of his grandfather Abraham. Discover the success pattern that will enable you to walk in the blessing of God!

Walking in love in light of the finished work of Christ will forever change how you live the Christian life.

For faithful, obedient Christians, the curse is NOT normal! What's normal is the blessing of God! And every generation should walk in greater blessing! Your job in prosperity is not done until your enemies envy you and even your enemies acknowledge you are blessed by God!

Discover how living in the light of the New Covenant will empower you to walk in love!

Too many Christians wrongly assume that lack, not enough, and poverty are all normal and should be normal in the lives of Christians. Nothing could be further from the truth! The curse is not normal! The blessing of God should be normal in the lives of Christians! God's will is that His children walk in blessing, abundance, and more than enough! In this powerful message, discover how Abraham is the father of our faith!

How we handle money reveals the heart! When someone's not right with their money, their heart isn't right! Will some people do anything for money? Yes! They will even commit murder! In this message, we begin an all-new series on "The Truth About Money."

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works