Did you know that Jesus has a plan for your life? He does and it is a wonderful plan! Before you were ever born, God knew you and God had a plan for your life. Before you were ever born, God made provision for your salvation, healing, and prosperity. And when you realize this, you will discover that what God has done IN your life, God now wants to do THROUGH your life.

What did Jesus really say? He said, "Follow me." Whether you realize it or not, Jesus knows you AND He knows (and can tell you) what you must leave behind to truly follow Him in your every day life.

Dream Thieves

When it comes to finances and money, too many Christians don’t know that the Bible has quite a bit to say about money and how we are to handle our money. When you step out in faith and begin to handle your money the way God says, you will begin to step into the realm of blessing that God has for you. Whether you realize it or not, you are Destined for Success!

In this message, Pastor Sue speaks on the power of saying "Yes!" to God, to God's Word, and to life. Your attitude can change your life, circumstances, and destiny!

When it comes to finances and money, too many Christians don’t know that the Bible has quite a bit to say about money and how we are to handle our money. When you step out in faith and begin to handle your money the way God says, you will begin to step into the realm of blessing that God has for you. Whether you realize it or not, you are Destined for Success!

Many don't really know what Jesus actually said or taught. And much of what people believe about Jesus and the disciples is the result of religion and tradition, not what the Bible actually says. When many think of Jesus they think of a weak, timid, powerless Jesus. Many even wrongly believe that Jesus was homeless and that He went around Galilee begging. Many people also believe that the disciples were poor. Nothing could be further from the truth! Discover that truth in this powerful message!

Many don't really know what Jesus actually said or taught. And much of what people believe about Jesus and the disciples is the result of religion and tradition, not what the Bible actually says. When many think of Jesus they think of a weak, timid, powerless Jesus. Many even wrongly believe that Jesus was homeless and that He went around Galilee begging. Many people also believe that the disciples were poor. Nothing could be further from the truth! Discover that truth in this powerful message!

When it comes to finances and money, too many Christians don’t know that the Bible has quite a bit to say about money and how we are to handle our money. When you step out in faith and begin to handle your money the way God says, you will begin to step into the realm of blessing that God has for you. Whether you realize it or not, you are Destined for Success!

Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an all-time low. And that's amazing when you consider all of the technology available to us! Many people think they know who Jesus is and what He said because of the way He is portrayed by Hollywood and in popular culture. But, What Did Jesus REALLY Say? Discover the answer in this eye-opening series!

Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an all-time low. And that's amazing when you consider all of the technology available to us! Many people think they know who Jesus is and what He said because of the way He is portrayed by Hollywood and in popular culture. But, What Did Jesus REALLY Say? Discover the answer in this eye-opening series!

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2022: Go In The Strength You Have