Ladies, discover the secret to answered prayer in your life, marriage, and family! Your life is your secret garden and you must cultivate what you want and desire.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Miracles happen when we obey God and follow His will no matter what the cost!

Miracles happen when we obey God and follow His will no matter what the cost!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Shake off every hindrance and walk in the best that God has for you which includes divine health and divine protection!

Shake off every hindrance and walk in the best that God has for you which includes divine health and divine protection!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

All things are possible when you walk by faith and carry within you the power, anointing, and zoe life of God!

All things are possible when you walk by faith and carry within you the power, anointing, and zoe life of God!

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Sermons by Series: Mastering Money 2020