Our wonderful God is The MORE Than ENOUGH God. God's default is not just to provide enough or to only meet our needs. God's default is to provide MORE THAN ENOUGH! It's time to LIFT UP YOUR EYES and to believe for and expect God's best! When Jesus fed a crowd of four thousand men, plus women and children, "they all ate and were satisfied" and there were seven basketfuls of food left over. That's how God provides! God wants you to to be satisfied with PLENTY and He always want you to have MORE THAN ENOUGH left over! Watch this powerful message.

Be Healed

God does EVERYTHING WELL and that includes HEALING. Discover the healing power of Jesus in this message by Austin Lingerfelt.

In this special message, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares on how you can "Be Strong and of Good Courage," no matter what you might face in life. Discover 7 keys to success in your walk with God and in seeing the dreams and desires of your heart come to pass. Don't want to miss this powerful message!

Pastor Gene shares a special message on #FAITH just for mothers that anyone can apply to their every day life.

If a mother outside of covenant with God received her ANSWER, discover how much more easily you can receive everything that you're believing for from God!

Pastor Sue, Krystina, and Jessica give a great message on "A Forever Love" to the ladies at GirlTalk.

What are the things that can make your life unclean spiritually? The ANSWER will surprise you! Discover what God calls CLEAN and UNCLEAN!

What are the things that can make your life unclean spiritually? The ANSWER will surprise you! Discover what God calls CLEAN and UNCLEAN!

God is willing to do in your life whatever you are willing to believe Him for. We have not because we ask not! We do without simply because we have not believed God for enough! Discover the God of As Much As You Want! If you will have eyes to see the truth of God's Word, your life and circumstances will never be the same!

God is willing to do in your life whatever you are willing to believe Him for. We have not because we ask not! We do without simply because we have not believed God for enough! Discover the God of As Much As You Want! If you will have eyes to see the truth of God's Word, your life and circumstances will never be the same!

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Sermons by Series: The Authority of the Believer