When it comes to finances and money, too many Christians don’t know that the Bible has quite a bit to say about money and how we are to handle our money. When you step out in faith and begin to handle your money the way God says, you will begin to step into the realm of blessing that God has for you. Whether you realize it or not, you are Destined for Success!

Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an all-time low. And that's amazing when you consider all of the technology available to us! Many people think they know who Jesus is and what He said because of the way He is portrayed by Hollywood and in popular culture. But, What Did Jesus REALLY Say? Discover the answer in this eye-opening series!

Statistics show that knowledge about the Bible and what the Bible really says is at an all-time low. And that's amazing when you consider all of the technology available to us! Many people think they know who Jesus is and what He said because of the way He is portrayed by Hollywood and in popular culture. But, What Did Jesus REALLY Say? Discover the answer in this eye-opening series!

The Bible calls Abraham the father of our faith! Abraham lived by faith and experienced the blessing and favor of God. In this series, learn how to live by faith, how to lift up your eyes, and how to walk in the blessing of Abraham.

Have You Heard?

In Acts 19 when Paul traveled to Ephesus, he asked the believers there if they had received the Holy Spirit when they believed. They said, "We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." Sadly, this is the case for too many believers! In this powerful message, Austin Lingerfelt speaks on the importance of being clothed with power from on high. To walk with God and to do all that God has called you to do being baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire is a necessity.

The Bible calls Abraham the father of our faith! Abraham lived by faith and experienced the blessing and favor of God. In this series, learn how to live by faith, how to lift up your eyes, and how to walk in the blessing of Abraham.

In this powerful message, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares how you can live life in victory because of what Jesus Christ has done on your behalf.

The Bible calls Abraham the father of our faith! Abraham lived by faith and experienced the blessing and favor of God. In this series, learn how to live by faith, how to lift up your eyes, and how to walk in the blessing of Abraham.

In this powerful series, Pastor Gene Lingerfelt and Austin Lingerfelt address what we must believe in order to be saved and how we should live as Christians.

In this powerful series, Pastor Gene Lingerfelt and Austin Lingerfelt address what we must believe in order to be saved and how we should live as Christians.

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Sermons by Series: The Authority of the Believer