Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

God's system of economics is designed to cost you nothing - if you will work God's plan. Discover how you can give your way to the top!

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares a special message on Father's Day. Jesus Christ went into God's lions den on your behalf, to satisfy justice, so you can be saved, forgiven, and a part of the family of God.

Dr. Austin Lingerfelt shares a special message on Father's Day. Jesus Christ went into God's lions den on your behalf, to satisfy justice, so you can be saved, forgiven, and a part of the family of God.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

Discover the patterns and principles in the New Testament that lead to healing and miracles!

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Sermons by Series: The Authority of the Believer