Dr. Gene Lingerfelt begins a new series on How to Walk in the Abundance and Prosperity...
Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series The Covenant Man.
There are KEYS to SUCCESS and there are KEYS to FAILURE. Thankfully, God has given us...
There are KEYS to SUCCESS and there are KEYS to FAILURE. Thankfully, God has given us...
Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series The Covenant Man.
Discover the Kingdom Keys for Success that Jesus gave us. When you handle everything...
In this special message, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares how to confess what God's Word...
Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series on The Covenant Man with one of the most...
When Jesus sent out some of his disciples in ministry, He told them, "I am sending you...
When Jesus sent out some of his disciples in ministry, He told them, "I am sending you...
Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series The Covenant Man.
Who is Jesus to you and who is Jesus in your life? What matters is not what the...