
faith comes by hearing

July 10, 2016

New Beginnings (9 AM)

When the religious leaders brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, she found...

July 03, 2016

Focus On What Matters

Focus on what matters--Jesus and people. Walk in love and win the lost!

June 29, 2016

Success (Part 4)

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series, "The Covenant Man."

June 22, 2016

Success (Part 3)

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series on The Covenant Man.

June 19, 2016

Be A Man

In this special Father's Day 2016 message, Pastor Sue Lingerfelt challenges the men...

June 15, 2016

Success (Part 2)

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues a new series on "The Covenant Man."

June 08, 2016

Success (Part 1)

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt begins a new series on "The Covenant Man."

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