You have been redeemed from the curse of the law. It's time for you to live like it, act like it, and talk like it! Begin saying who God says you are!

You have been redeemed from the curse of the law. It's time for you to live like it, act like it, and talk like it! Begin saying who God says you are!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

You have been redeemed from the curse of the law. It's time for you to live like it, act like it, and talk like it! Begin saying who God says you are!

You have been redeemed from the curse of the law. It's time for you to live like it, act like it, and talk like it! Begin saying who God says you are!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

If you want to live a victorious Christian life, then you must know and confess WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

If you want to live a victorious Christian life, then you must know and confess WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST.

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

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Sermons by Category: Abraham

July 24, 2013

Faith in Action (Part 1)

An expository, verse-by-verse series with practical application through the Book of James.
