From the beginning, Father God has desired family, and He has given us the great joy and privilege to participate with Him in the creation of His family.

From the beginning, Father God has desired family, and He has given us the great joy and privilege to participate with Him in the creation of His family.

Faith & Prayer (Part 52)

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

God framed this world with His words, and you can frame your world--and your life--with your words!

God framed this world with His words, and you can frame your world--and your life--with your words!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

God framed this world with His words, and you can frame your world--and your life--with your words!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

God framed this world with His words, and you can frame your world--and your life--with your words!

You can have a prayer life that gets results!

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Sermons by Preacher: Dr. Gene Lingerfelt

October 02, 2016

Have Faith in God

In this special message, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt shares how to confess what God's Word...

September 28, 2016

Prosperity (Part 1)

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt continues the series on The Covenant Man with one of the most...

September 25, 2016

Lambs Among Wolves (9 AM)

When Jesus sent out some of his disciples in ministry, He told them, "I am sending you...

September 04, 2016

Spiritual DNA (9 AM)

What is your SPIRITUAL DNA? Your SPIRITUAL DNA will determine your destiny both in...

August 28, 2016

Lion or Loser? (9 AM)

Many people think Biblical humility means being weak and easily pushed around. Nothing...

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