No matter what you are facing in life, you can believe and succeed! In one of the most powerful messages he has ever shared, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt preaches on how you can weather and overcome life's challenges. Resistance makes you stronger!

Discover who the Holy Spirit is and learn about His role in your life.

If you are a born again Christian, you will never fit in with the world.

Discover the command that sums up all the commands of God.

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your walk with God and your prayer life.

Did you know that success is no accident? Discover the action steps you need to take in order to be a success.

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your prayer life.

Discover the key to answered prayer!

Discover how you can be a woman of faith!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your prayer life.

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works