Jesus told the parable of ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Who will you be in the days we’re living in—wise or foolish?

Discover the master key to riches!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your life.

Ready Or Not

Ready or not, Jesus is coming! Ready or not, Jesus is coming back sooner than you think! Ready or not, His coming will take the world by surprise! Ready or not, Jesus is coming for a church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish!

Discover how to live life with the zoe life of God and how to walk in agape love!

A faithful man who can find? Discover how to be Faithful, Wise, and Ready in an unfaithful world.

Discover how to live with the zoe life of God and the agape love of God!

There is coming a time on planet earth when you don't want to be here!

Know who you are in Christ and what Christ has done for you!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your prayer life!

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works