Discover How Your Faith Can Grow!

Discover how to pray.

Discover how every believer has been given a measure of faith.

Discover the first principle of prosperity!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your prayer life and your results in prayer.

One day soon, true believers will be separated from false believers, the sheep will be separated from the goats & the wheat will be separated from the tares.

Knowing who you are in Christ and what Christ has already done for you will forever change your walk with God!

Your life is not your own. God has given you gifts, talents, and abilities. So what are you doing for the Kingdom of God? When you stand before Jesus at His judgment seat, what will you have to present to Him to show for your life? Don't waste your life!

Knowing who you are in Christ will forever change your prayer life!

Jesus told the parable of ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Who will you be in the days we’re living in—wise or foolish?

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Sermons by Series: Holy Week Revival 2020: How Faith Works